• How a teacher can become a Orienteering Instructor (previously Level 0 coach). One of the best ways of preparing yourself to run an effective orienteering programme in your school is to become an accredited Orienteering Instructor coach.  Click here to find out more on the following attachment to find out more: Becoming an Orienteering instructor


Accredditation requirements

1. Current teacher registration (or working with Children's check)

2. Orienteering Instructor Accreditation Course (to be completed as part of a school PD or completed with an Orienteering SA coach)

3. Reccomended: First aid and CPR

4. Recommended: Complete Community Coaching General Principles Course



The Community coaching General Principles online course has been developed to assist new coaches improve their basic coaching skills, in particular, those coaches working with children.

Coaches can complete the course in their own time, from the comfort of their own home.  It is initially being made available free of charge to Australian coaches by the Australian Sports Commission.  

About the course

The course contains five modules, covering a range of general coaching topics, including the role and responsibilities expected of a coach, planning, safety, working with parents, communication, group management and inclusive coaching practices when working with people with a disability or special population groups.

The course takes approximately 6 hours to complete with assessment included at the end of each module.

How to access the course

The Beginning Coaching General Principles course is available from the Australian Sports Commission's new online learning portal  for more information on the course, and to enrol.



Who to contact if you wish to become an Orienteering Instructor?

Please contact the coaching coordinator for Orienteering South Australia- Bridget Uppill at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Or the Schools coordinator - Zita Sankauskus at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Other Resources

Teachers and coaches may also like to use this ten week orienteering program for students in Foundation to year 6. It is suitable for most ages and also can be adapted for high school students.






Principal Sponsors